Course Offerings 2024-2025
Please find a complete listing of all approved Chinese language and non-language courses in the UC San Diego Catalog. Not all courses listed in the catalog are offered every quarter, so the courses listed below are the ones offered in the current quarter.
Course offerings are constantly changing. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for the most up-to-date listing.
Chinese Language Courses
Chinese Language Sequences Courses 2024-2025
CHIN Course Titles | Fall | Winter | Spring |
First Year Chinese Language | |||
1st Yr. Chinese for Dialect Speakers | CHIN 10AD | CHIN 10BD | CHIN 10CD |
1st Yr. Chinese for Mandarin Speakers | CHIN 10AM | CHIN 10BM | CHIN 10CM |
1st Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 10AN | CHIN 10BN | CHIN 10CN |
Second Year Chinese Language | |||
2nd Yr. Chinese for Dialect Speakers | CHIN 20AD | Switch to CHIN 20BM | Switch to CHIN 20CM |
2nd Yr. Chinese for Mandarin Speakers | CHIN 20AM | CHIN 20BM (combo with 20BD) | CHIN 20CM (combo with 20CD) |
2nd Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 20AN | CHIN 20BN | CHIN 20CN |
Third Year Chinese Language | |||
3rd Yr. Chinese for Heritage Speakers | CHIN 100AM | CHIN 100BM | CHIN 100CM |
3rd Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 100AN | CHIN 100BN | CHIN 100CN |
Upper-Division Chinese Language | |||
Business Chinese | -- | -- | -- |
Medical Chinese | -- | CHIN 169A | CHIN 169B |
Readings in Chinese Culture and Society | CHIN 185A | -- | |
Classical Chinese | -- |
CHIN 182A |
Upper Division Language Course Progression
Chinese Studies offers a variety of upper division courses for advanced levels. These courses vary in difficulty level but do not need to be taken in sequence, so this table explains the recommended progression through these courses.
- CHIN 100 Third Year Chinese series. Completing this series is a prerequisite for taking the more advanced content-based courses.
- After completing the CHIN 100 series, we recommend that you take CHIN 185A/B Readings in Culture and Society and/or CHIN 165A Business Chinese in any order. You will be able to enroll in these courses without requesting approval if you have completed the CHIN 100 series. If you place into upper division for your first UCSD Chinese course, or if you are taking Chinese courses for GE or other major requirements, we recommend that you take at least one of these courses before the more advanced courses.
- The most advanced level courses that we offer are CHIN 169A/B Medical Chinese and CHIN 182A Classical Chinese. It is recommended, but not required, that students take CHIN 185 Readings or CHIN 165 Business before taking any of these. However, if you are only interested in taking CHIN 169 Medical Chinese or CHIN 182 Classical Chinese after completing the 100 level series, you can contact the course instructor directly for approval to enroll. If you are placed into one of these courses for your first UCSD Chinese course, please discuss your plan with the program advisor at to make sure you will be able to complete the number of courses you are interested in or need for GE/major requirements based on program course offerings.
Fall 2024 Non-language courses
HILD 10. East Asia: The Great Tradition (*lower division, fulfills minor requirements, not major)
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HIEA 155. China and the Environment
HIEA 171. Society and Culture/Pre-modern China ** colloquium course. Requires instructor permission to enroll. Please note that the colloquium is no longer a requirement for the Chinese Studies major effective Fall 2024 but it may still be counted toward the major if taken
LTEA 110B. Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120C. Hong Kong Films
POLI 130B. Politics in the People’s Republic of China
GPPS 403. Chinese Security, Technology, and Innovation (graduate course; contact instructor for approval)
GPPS 476. Chinese Sources and Methods (graduate course with prerequisite; contact instructor for approval)
LTCO 281 Literature and Film: Chinese Labor Utopias and Dystopias (graduate seminar; contact instructor for approval. petition needed to count for Chinese Studies major)
Winter 2025 Non-language courses
HILD 11. East Asia and the West* (lower division, fulfills minor requirements, not major)
HIEA 140R. China since 1978
LTEA 100A. Classical Chinese Poetry
MUS 111. Topics/World Music Traditions: Taiwan
POLI 113BR. Chinese and Japanese Political Thought I
VIS129E Seminar on Chinese art
GPPS 407. IR/National Security of China (contact GPS for permission to enroll)
GPEC 486. Economic and Social Development of China (contact GPS for permission to enroll)
Spring 2025 Non-language courses
HILD 12. Twentieth Century East Asia* (lower division, fulfills minor requirements, not major)
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution, 1911-1949
HIEA 138. Women and the Chinese Revolution
GPIM 461. Doing Business in China (contact GPS for permission to enroll)
GPPS 404. Chinese Politics (contact GPS for permission to enroll)
LTCH 101. Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
LTEA 100B. Modern Chinese Poetry
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120A. Chinese Films
LTWL 138 Critical Religion Studies: Introduction to East Asian Ethical Thought
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
POLI 131CR. The Chinese Revolution
VIS 127B. Arts of China
Previous Course Offerings
Chinese Language Courses 2022-2023
Chinese Language Courses 2022-2023
CHIN Course Titles | Fall | Winter | Spring |
First Year Chinese Language | |||
1st Yr. Chinese for Dialect Speakers | CHIN 10AD | CHIN 10BD | CHIN 10CD |
1st Yr. Chinese for Mandarin Speakers | CHIN 10AM | CHIN 10BM | CHIN 10CM |
1st Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 10AN | CHIN 10BN | CHIN 10CN |
Second Year Chinese Language | |||
2nd Yr. Chinese for Dialect Speakers | CHIN 20AD | CHIN 20BD | CHIN 20CD |
2nd Yr. Chinese for Mandarin Speakers | CHIN 20AM | Switch to CHIN 20BD | Switch to CHIN 20CD |
2nd Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 20AN | CHIN 20BN | CHIN 20CN |
Third Year Chinese Language | |||
3rd Yr. Chinese for Heritage Speakers | CHIN 100AM | CHIN 100BM | -- |
3rd Yr. Chinese for Non-Natives | CHIN 100AN | CHIN 100BN | CHIN 100CN |
Upper-Division Chinese Language | |||
Business Chinese | -- | -- | -- |
Medical Chinese | -- | CHIN 169A | CHIN 169B |
Readings in Chinese Culture and Society | CHIN 185A | -- | CHIN 185B |
Classical Chinese | -- |
CHIN 182A |
-- |
Non-language Courses 2023-2024
Fall 2023 Course Offerings
HIEA 171. Society and Culture/Pre-modern China** colloquium course required for majors. To request permission to enroll, please email professor for the okay-then please forward that email to
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120B. Taiwan Films
GPPS 400. International Relations of Asia-Pacific
GPPS 403. Chinese Security, Technology, and Innovation
GPPS 404. Chinese Politics
GPPS 476. Chinese Sources and Methods (with prerequisite)
HILD 10. East Asia: The Great Tradition (Lower Division: for minors only)
Winter 2024 Course Offerings
HILD 11. East Asia and the West (*lower division, fulfills minor requirements, not major)
HIEA 124. Life in Ming China (1369–1644)
HIEA 138. Women and the Chinese Revolution
POLI 113BR. Chinese and Japanese Political Thought I
GPEC 486. Economic and Social Development of China (contact GPS for permission to enroll)
GPPS 407. IR/National Security of China ((contact GPS for permission to enroll)
Spring 2024 Course Offerings
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
GPIM 461. Doing Business in China
HIEA 132. Mao’s China, 1949–1976
LTCH 101. Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
LTEA 110B. Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120A. Chinese Films
LTEA 120C. Hong Kong Films
POLI 131CR. The Chinese Revolution
HILD 12. Twentieth-Century East Asia (*lower division, only for minor)
HITO 87 C00 First Year Seminar: Shanghai Women Factory Workers Pre-1949 (1 unit; cannot replace 4-unit course toward major/minor)
Non Language Courses 2022-2023
Fall 2022 Course Offerings
HILD 10. East Asia: The Great Tradition (*lower division, fulfills minor requirements, not major)
GPPS 404. Chinese Politics
GPPS 476. Chinese Sources and Methods (with prerequisite)
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
**HIEA 171. Society and Culture/Pre-modern China** (Colloquium course for Chinese Studies majors. For Departmental approval please email professor for permission then forward that email to
LTEA 120A. Chinese Films
VIS 128E Topics/Art History of Asia: Photography and Asia
Winter 2023 Course Offerings
HILD 11. East Asia and the West (only for the minor-Lower Division)
MUS 13 Worlds of Music (only for the minor-Lower Division)
HIEA 144 Topics in East Asian History: China & Global Econ, 1400-2000* (with petition form)
GPEC 486. Economic and Social Development of China
Spring 2023 Course Offerings
HILD 12. Twentieth-Century East Asia (minors only- lower division)
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
GPIM 461. Doing Business in China
GPPS 403. Chinese Security, Technology, and Innovation
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution: 1911–1949
HIEA 138. Women and the Chinese Revolution
HIEA 140R. China since 1978
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120B. Taiwan Films
POLI 131CR. The Chinese Revolution
VIS 105E. Chinese Calligraphy as Installation (prerequisite VIS 105D)
MUS 107 Critical Studies Seminar: Music and Politics in East Asia (with petition)
GPPS 400. International Relations of Asia-Pacific
GPPS 407. IR/National Security of China
LIGN 141. Language Structures
LTCH 101. Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
POLI 113BR. Chinese and Japanese Political Thought I
VIS 105D. Art Forms and Chinese Calligraphy (prereq VIS 80)
Summer 2023 Course Offerings
POLI 113BR. Chinese and Japanese Political Thought I (SU1)
VIS 105D. Art Forms and Chinese Calligraphy (VIS 80 is a required prerequisite) (SU1)
POLI 131CR. The Chinese Revolution (SU2)
VIS 127C. Arts of Modern China (SU2)
Language course:
CHIN 169A Medical Chinese (SU1)
Non Language Courses 2021-2022
Summer 2022 Course Offerings
CHIN 169A Medical Chinese
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution: 1911–1949
LTEA 120A. Chinese Films
POLI 113A. East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective
POLI 113BR Chinese and Japanese Political Thought (I)
VIS 105D. Art Forms and Chinese Calligraphy (Prerequisites: VIS 80)
Spring 2022 Course Offerings
ANSC 137. Chinese Popular Religion
HILD 12. Twentieth-Century East Asia
HIEA 124. Life in Ming China (1369–1644)
HIEA 140R. China since 1978
HIEA 144. Topics in East Asian History: Chinese history through Things (*with petition)
LTEA 110A. Classical Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120A. Chinese Films
GPIM 461. Doing Business in China
VIS 105E. Chinese Calligraphy as Installation (VIS 105D is a REQUIRED prerequisite)
VIS 127N. Twentieth-Century Art in China and Japan
Winter 2022 Course Offerings
MUS 107 Music and Politics in East Asia (with petition)
HILD 11. East Asia and the West (LD-only for minors)
HIEA 131. China in War and Revolution: 1911–1949
HIEA 138. Women and the Chinese Revolution
LTCH 101. Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
GPEC 486. Economic and Social Development of China
GPPS 400. International Relations of Asia-Pacific
GPPS 407. IR/National Security of China
POLI 131C. The Chinese Revolution
SOCI 140K. Law and Society in China
VIS 105D. Art Forms and Chinese Calligraphy (with pre-requisite)
Fall 2021 Course Offerings
HILD 10. East Asia: The Great Tradition (lower division—minors only)
HIEA 137. Women and Family in Chinese History
HIEA 171. Society and Culture/Pre-modern China ** colloquium course, let students know. Instructions: For Departmental Stamp please email professor for the okay-then please forward that email to
Global Policy & Strategy
GPPS 403. Chinese Security, Technology, and Innovation
GPPS 404. Chinese Politics
LTCH 101. Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
LTEA 100B. Modern Chinese Poetry
LTEA 100C. Contemporary Chinese Poetry
LTEA 110C. Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation
LTEA 120B. Taiwan Films
LTWR 113. Intercultural Writing: Chinese (ask Prof Brandon Som)
Visual Arts
VIS 127N. Twentieth-Century Art in China and Japan