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Qin-Hong Anderson

Faculty, Chinese Language

Qin-Hong Anderson has experience teaching Chinese at all levels. Before moving to the U.S., she earned a B.A. in Chinese Linguistics and Literature.  She holds an M.S. in Communications and Instructional Design from Ithaca College (Ithaca, New York). She is the author of Masterworks Chinese Companion: Expressive Literacy through Reading and Composition (Cheng & Tsui). Before joining the Chinese Program at UC San Diego, she taught in the Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University. She enjoys teaching and interacting with her students tremendously.

Office: Arts and Humanities Building, 6th floor room 628


  • Masterworks Chinese Companion: Expressive Literacy Through Reading And Composition by Cheng & Tsui (May 2005).


  • Listening to Chinese Cinema: Using Film Clips for Enhancing Elementary Mandarin Listening Comprehension. Proceedings of TCLT4 (USC 2006).
  • From Classroom to Newsroom: Enhance Students’ Chinese Using the Web 2.0 Tools. Proceedings of TCLT6 (OSU 2010)
  • Like Us on Facebook: Incorporate Social Network for Language Study.  Proceedings of TCLT7 (UHM 2012)