- sxcha@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-3042
9500 Gilman Dr
Chinese Studies Program - Language
Mail Code: 0113
La Jolla , California 92093-0113
Faculty, Chinese Language
Samuel Cha joined the Chinese Studies Program at UC San Diego in the fall of 1990. He had previously taught Chinese at Grinnell College and UCLA. Cha earned his BA in Chinese Language and Literature from Zhejiang University, China and an MA in East Asian Languages and Cultures from UCLA. As a veteran of the Chinese Studies Program, he has taught all levels of Chinese over the past 20 years. He is one of the pioneers in multi-track Chinese instructions and major contributors to the growth of our language program. His interests include Chinese phonetic mutation, grammar structure, pragmatics and second language acquisition. He is also very active in community services. He regularly volunteers his language expertise to local charitable organizations.
Office: HSS 3056
Office Hours